Friday, February 25, 2005

Welcome to

For too long now the small press market in Canada has been underserved. While it's easy for mainstream authors to find places which will readily preview and review their books, small presses face a far greater challenge.

Often, the works small publishers produce are not as accessible as more popular pieces of non-fiction and fiction. You'll notice I don't even mention poetry in that last sentence. Reviews of poetry have almost reached the state of a lost art in Canada - with the exception of little magazines.

It is my hope that over the next while will mature into a major clearing house of information, reviews, previews, interviews and news about and for the Canadian small press community.

Here, I hope to harbour a community of writers who will examine small press work, and bring the works of this nation's innovative, alternative and independent publishers to the attention of a wider audience.

I look forward to your support as we move forward.


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